Destiny Church,
Over the next few weeks, we are excited about the opportunities that God is bringing our way for us to grow. We will be doing services online Sundays at 10am and Wednesdays at 6:30pm. We understand that it is not what we are used to but we also believe God will do something great during this time. We want to encourage you to engage God at home just as if we were together.
Keep a close watch on our church Facebook page. We will be posting everyday providing updates about church plans and about online events we will be doing. We will be looking into doing some online life groups over this time using RightNow Media. If you don’t have an account to RightNow Media, please use the link to the left. Fill out the form and submit it so we can send you an email invitation to join. This will give you access to loads of small group studies, as well as kids material.
We want to encourage you to use this time at home to invest in your family. Have fun with your kids, interact with your kids, teach your kids, pray with your kids. You may not find a better time to begin invest in them spiritually. For this reason, below we have provided you with some resources to do 4 at-home kids church services with them.
If you don’t have kids, reach out to those you know via phone, text, or online and encourage them. Fear is running rampant and now is the time for the church to stand up in faith!
As always we are continuing to pray for you. If you are in need of assistance during this time. Whether that is groceries or medicine, please don’t hesitate to let us know. People will be touching base with you to make sure you are alright.
We love all of our Destiny Church family and we pray you are safe and growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Kids Service Resources